Information Item Characteristics#
Provides examples of the potential characteristics associated with the information item types. The assessor may use these in evaluating the samples provided by the organizational unit. It is not intended to use the listed characteristics as a checklist. Some characteristics may be contained in other work products, as it would be found appropriate in the assessed organization.
ID |
Title |
Status |
Content |
01-03 Software Component |
valid |
Software Component may have the following characteristics: - Software element in the software architecture above the software unit level. - Represented by a design model element or executable code such as libs or scripts and a configuration description, if applicable. |
01-50 Integrated Software |
valid |
Integrated Software may have the following characteristics: - Software executable (e.g, simulator with stubbing, debug-able, object code) including: - application parameter files (being a technical implementation solution for configurability-oriented requirements) - all configured software elements |
01-52 Configuration item list |
valid |
Configuration item list may have the following characteristics: - Items under configuration control - The name of work products and an associated reference (to file, to tool artifact) - Configuration item attributes and properties |
02-01 Commitment / agreement |
valid |
Commitment / agreement may have the following characteristics: - Signed off by all parties involved in the commitment/agreement - Establishes what the commitment is for - Establishes the resources required to fulfill the commitment, such as: - time - people - budget - equipment - facilities |
03-06 Process performance information |
valid |
Process performance information may have the following characteristics: - Measurements about defined quantitative or qualitative measurable indicators, that match defined information needs. - Measurement metrics for the calculation of the quantitatively or qualitatively measurable indicators - Data comparing process performance against expected levels - Examples for project performance information: - resource utilization against established target - time schedule against established target - activity or task completion criteria met - defined input and output work products available - process quality against quality expectations and/or criteria - product quality against quality expectations and/or criteria - highlight product performance issues, trends - Examples for service level performance information: - references any goals established - real time metrics related to aspects such as: - capacity - throughput - operational performance - operational service - service outage time - up time - job run time |
03-50 Verification Measure Data |
valid |
Verification Measure Data may have the following characteristics: - Verification measure data are data recorded during the execution of a verification measure, e.g.: - for test cases: raw data, logs, traces, tool generated outputs - measurements: values - calculations: values - simulations: protocol - reviews such as optical inspections à findings record - analyses: values |
04-02 Domain architecture |
valid |
Definition not available yet in PAM4.0 document. |
04-04 Software Architecture |
valid |
Software Architecture may have the following characteristics: - A justifying rationale for the chosen architecture. - Individual functional and non-functional behavior of the software component - Settings for application parameters (being a technical implementation solution for configurability-oriented requirements) - Technical characteristics of interfaces for relationships between software components such as: - Synchronization of Processes and tasks - Programming language call - APIs - Specifications of SW libraries - Method definitions in an object- oriented class definitions or UML/SysML interface classes - Callback functions, “hooks” - Dynamics of software components and software states such as: - Logical software operating modes (e.g, start-up, shutdown, normal mode, calibration, diagnosis, etc.) - intercommunication (processes, tasks, threads) and priority - time slices and cycle time - interrupts with their priorities - interactions between software components - Explanatory annotations, e.g, with natural language, for single elements or entire diagrams/models. |
04-05 Software detailed design |
valid |
Software detailed design may have the following characteristics: - Elements of a software detailed design: - Control flow definition - Format of input/output data - Algorithms - Defined data structures - Justified global variables - Explanatory annotations, e.g, with natural language, for single elements or entire diagrams/models - Examples for expression languages, depending on the complexity or criticality of a software unit: - natural language or informal languages - semi-formal languages (e.g, UML, SysML) - formal languages (e.g, model-based approach) |
06-04 Training material |
valid |
Training material may have the following characteristics: - Updated and available for new releases - Coverage of system, application, operations, maintenance as appropriate to the application - Course listings and availability |
06-50 Integration Sequence Instruction |
valid |
Integration Sequence Instruction may have the following characteristics: - Identification of required physical elements (e.g., hardware, mechanical, wiring elements), and software executables and application parameters (being a technical implementation solution for configurability-oriented requirements) - necessary sequence or ordering of integration - preconditions for starting system integration |
06-51 Tailoring guideline |
valid |
Tailoring guideline may have the following characteristics: - Criteria for tailoring, - Proceeding of tailoring describing how to derive and document the defined process from the standard process including responsibility for tailoring and corresponding approval - Requirements for the defined process to ensure integrity and consistency of the defined process - Subset of process assets that is essential for the defined process |
06-52 Backup and recovery mechanism information |
valid |
Backup and recovery mechanism information may have the following characteristics: - Description / confirmation of existing backup and recovery mechanisms - References to corresponding procedures or regulations |
07-04 Process metric |
valid |
Process metric may have the following characteristics: - Measurements about the process' performance: - ability to produce sufficient work products - adherence to the process - time it takes to perform process - defects related to the process - Measures the impact of process change - Measures the efficiency of the process |
07-05 Project metric |
valid |
Project metric may have the following characteristics: - Monitors key processes and critical tasks, provides status information to the project on: - project performance against established plan - resource utilization against established plan - time schedule against established plan - process quality against quality expectations and/or criteria - product quality against quality expectations and/or criteria - highlight product performance problems, trends - Measures the results of project activities: - tasks are performed on schedule - product's development is within the resource commitments allocated - References any goals established |
07-06 Quality metric |
valid |
Quality metric may have the following characteristics: - Measures quality attributes of the work products defined: - functionality - reliability - usability - efficiency - maintainability - portability - Measures quality attributes of the "end customer" quality perception .. note:: Refer ISO/IEC 25010 for detailed information on measurement of product quality. |
07-08 Service level metric |
valid |
Service level metric may have the following characteristics: - Real time metrics taken while a system is operational, it measures the system's performance or expected service level - Identifies aspects such as: - capacity - throughput - operational performance - operational service - service outage time - up time - job run time |
07-51 Measurement result |
valid |
Measurement result may have the following characteristics: Result of gathering qualitative or quantitative data, e.g., - Process metric - Measurements about the process' performance: -- ability to produce sufficient work products -- adherence to the process -- time it takes to perform process -- defects related to the process - Measures the impact of process change - Measures the efficiency of the process - Project metric - Monitors key processes and critical tasks, provides status information to the project on: -- project performance against established plan -- resource utilization against established plan -- time schedule against established plan -- process quality against quality expectations and/or criteria -- product quality against quality expectations and/or criteria -- highlight product performance problems, trends - Measures the results of project activities: - tasks are performed on schedule - product's development is within the resource commitments allocated - References any goals established - Quality metric - Measures quality attributes of the work products defined: -- functionality -- reliability -- usability -- efficiency -- maintainability -- portability - Measures quality attributes of the "end customer" quality perceptionService level metric - Benchmarking data - Customer satisfaction survey |
07-61 Quantitative process metric |
valid |
Quantitative process metric may have the following characteristics: - Quantitatively measurable indicators that match information needs derived from business goals - Relation of the quantitatively measurable indicators to process elements in process descriptions or repositories and tools - Process measurement metrics for the calculation of the quantitatively measurable indicators, sbased on data from related process elements, repositories, or tools |
07-62 Process analysis technique |
valid |
Process analysis technique may have the following characteristics: - Methods for statistical analysis of process data - Frequency of data collection. |
07-63 Process control limits |
valid |
Process control limits may have the following characteristics: - Quantitative control limits for the quantitative process metrics |
07-64 Process measurement data |
valid |
Process measurement data may have the following characteristics: - Data collected across process instances - Attributes of data, e.g., timestamps - Relation to process measurement metrics - Storage and retrieval - Effective controls over access |
08-53 Scope of work |
valid |
Scope of work may have the following characteristics: - Summary of deliverables for a project - Intended use for the deliverables - Main functions to be realized - Target delivery date and major milestones - Work products and activities that are not in scope of the project as needed - Target markets - Applicable standards and legal requirements - Reuse options - Integration of third party deliveries |
08-54 Feasibility analysis |
valid |
Feasibility analysis may have the following characteristics: - Statement about the ability of the project to achieve the project objectives with available resources |
08-55 Risk measure |
valid |
Risk measure may have the following characteristics: - Identifies - the risk to be mitigated, avoided, or shared (transferred) - the activities to mitigate, avoid, or share (transfer) the risk - the originator of the measure - criteria for successful implementation - criteria for cancellation of activities - frequency of monitoring - Risk treatment alternatives: - treatment option selected- avoid/reduce/transfer - alternative descriptions - recommended alternative(s) - justifications |
08-56 Schedule |
valid |
Schedule may have the following characteristics: - Identifies the activities to be performed - Identifies the expected, and actual, start and completion date for required activities against progress/completion of activities - Identifies dependencies between activities and critical path - Has a mapping to scheduled resources and input data - Identifies resource allocation, resource workload, and critical resources .. note:: A schedule is consistent with the defined work packages, see 14-10 |
08-58 Verification Measure Selection Set |
valid |
Verification Measure Selection Set may have the following characteristics: - Include criteria for re-verification in the case of changes (regression). - Identification of verification measures, also for regression testing. |
08-60 Verification Measure |
valid |
Verification Measure may have the following characteristics: - A verification measure can be a test case, a measurement, a calculation, a simulation, a review, an optical inspection, or an analysis - The specification of a verification measure includes - pass/fail criteria for verification measures (test completion and ending criteria) - a definition of entry and exit criteria for the verification measures, and abort and re-start criteria - Techniques (e.g., black-box and/or white-box-testing, equivalence classes and boundary values, fault injection for Functional Safety, penetration testing for Cybersecurity, back-to-back testing for model-based development, ICT) - Necessary verification environment & infrastructure - Necessary sequence or ordering |
08-61 Resource allocation |
valid |
Resource allocation may have the following characteristics: - Detailed / named resources are allocated to process tasks - Overall resource workload is considered (e.g., allocation of resources to multiple projects) .. note:: Work breakdown structure may be used to refine the detailed resource allocation .. note:: A resource allocation may be integrated in a/ be a part of the schedule, see 08-56 .. note:: Resources to be allocated are e.g., personnel/human resources for project roles and physical and material resources such as (special/limited) equipment, tool, licenses, test hardware, test vehicle, climate chambers etc. |
08-62 Communication matrix |
valid |
Communication matrix may have the following characteristics: - List of relevant process internal / external stakeholders - Roles and contact information of the parties involved - Definition of required interfaces between stakeholders - Communication subject - Communication means and frequency - Documentation needs of the communication (e.g., type of communication record) |
08-63 Process Monitoring Method |
valid |
Process Monitoring Method may have the following characteristics: - Measures including criteria for monitoring effectiveness, suitability, and adequacy of the standard process - Method for collecting and analyzing the monitoring measures |
08-66 Measures against deviations in quantitative process analysis |
valid |
Measures against deviations in quantitative process analysis may have the following characteristics: - Definition of counter measures actions to address each assignable cause of special causes of variation, or common causes of variation - Effective implementation of these counter measures |
10-00 Process description |
valid |
Process description may have the following characteristics: - Process description of a standard or defined process (e.g., after tailoring), including: - scope and the intended use of the process - process activities including description and dependencies - entry and exit criteria such as input information needed and expected outputs for activities - Roles assigned to process activities (e.g., as RASIC ) or work products - guidelines - templates - specific methods/work instructions |
10-50 Role description |
valid |
Role description may have the following characteristics: - Name/identifier (unique within the organization) - Assigned activities (e.g., as RASIC) - Responsibilities and authorities - Required competencies, skills, and experience |
10-51 Qualification method description |
valid |
Qualification method description may have the following characteristics: - Training courses - Training materials - Mentoring/coaching concepts - Self-learning material |
10-52 Process resource and infrastructure description |
valid |
Process resource and infrastructure description may have the following characteristics: - Required facilities - Required tools and corresponding licenses - Required networks - Required services - Required samples |
11-03 Release note |
valid |
Release note may have the following characteristics: - Coverage for key elements (as appropriate to the application): - Description of what is new or changed (including features removed) - System information and requirements - Identification of conversion programs and instructions - Release numbering implementation may include: - the major release number - the feature release number - the defect repair number - the alpha or beta release; and the iteration within the alpha or beta release - Identification of the component list (version identification included): - hardware / software / product elements, libraries, etc. - associated documentation list - New/changed parameter information (e.g., for application parameters or global variables) and/or commands. Note that application parameters are a technical implementation solution for configurability-oriented requirements) - Backup and recovery information - List of open known problems, faults, warning information, etc. - Identification of verification and diagnostic procedures - Technical support information - Copyright and license information - The release note may include an introduction, the environmental requirements, installation procedures, product invocation, new feature identification and a list of defect resolutions, known defects and workarounds |
11-04 Product release package |
valid |
Product release package may have the following characteristics: - Includes the hardware/software/product - Includes and associated release elements such as: - system hardware/software/product elements - associated customer documentation - application parameter definitions defined - command language defined - installation instructions - release letter |
11-05 Software Unit |
valid |
Software Unit may have the following characteristics: - a representation of a software element at the lowest level in a conceptual model, which is decided not to be further subdivided and that is a part of a software component, or - a representation of a software unit under verification such as commented source code, auto-code, an object file, a library, an executable, or an executable model as input to verification |
12-03 Reuse candidate |
valid |
Reuse candidate may have the following characteristics: - Identifies the product to be reused - Identifies the responsible person for the products to be reused - Identifies the reuse goals and objectives - Identifies the list of reuse assets - Identifies the issues/risks of reusing the component including specific requirements (hardware, software, resource and other reuse components) - Identifies the person who will be qualifying the reuse candidate |
13-06 Delivery evidence |
valid |
Delivery evidence may have the following characteristics: - Evidence of items shipped/delivered electronically to customer - Identification of: - to whom it was sent - address, where delivered - delivery date - receipt of delivered product |
13-07 Problem |
valid |
Problem may have the following characteristics: - Identifies the submitter of the problem - Identifies the group/person(s) responsible for providing problem resolution - Includes a description of the problem - Identifies classification of the problem (criticality, urgency, relevance etc.) - Identifies the status of the problem - States such as “open”, “in review”, “in implementation”, “closed”, “rejected”, “cancelled”, … - Transitions between states with conditions and authorities - Identifies the expected closure date |
13-08 Baseline |
valid |
Baseline may have the following characteristics: - Identifies a state of one or a set of work products and artifacts which are consistent and complete - Basis for next process steps and/or delivery - Is unique and may not be changed .. note:: This should be established before a release to identify consistent and complete delivery |
13-09 Meeting support evidence |
valid |
Meeting support evidence may have the following characteristics: - Agenda and minutes that are records that define: - purpose of meeting - attendees - date, place held - reference to previous minutes - what was accomplished - identifies issues raised - any open issues - next meeting if any |
13-13 Product release approval |
valid |
Product release approval support evidence may have the following characteristics: - Content information of what is to be shipped or delivered - Identification of: - for whom it is intended - the address where to deliver - the date released - Evidence of supplier approval |
13-14 Progress status |
valid |
Progress status may have the following characteristics: Status of a plan(s) (actual against planned) such as: - status of actual activities/work packages against planned activities/work package - status of actual results against established objectives/goals - status of actual resources allocation against planned resources - status of actual cost against budget estimates - status of actual time against planned schedule - status of actual quality against planned quality Record of any deviations from planned activities and reason why |
13-16 Change request |
valid |
Change request may have the following characteristics: - Identifies purpose of change - Identifies requester contact information - Impacted system(s) - Impact to operations of existing system(s) defined - Impact to associated documentation defined - Criticality of the request, due date - Information supporting the tracking of change requests to closure - progress status attribute (e.g., open, allocated, implemented, closed) - time stamp of status change - person who changed a status - rationale for changing a status |
13-18 Quality conformance evidence |
valid |
Quality conformance evidence may have the following characteristics: - Identifies what tasks/activities/process produce the information - Identifies when the data was collected - Identifies source of any associated data - Identifies the associated quality criteria - Identifies any associated measurements using the information |
13-19 Review evidence |
valid |
Review evidence may have the following characteristics: - Provides the context information about the review: - what was reviewed - lists reviewers who attended and their area of responsibility - status of the review - Provides information about the scope of the review: - checklists - review criteria - requirements - compliance to standards - Effort information about: - preparation time spent for the review - time spent in the review - Review findings: - non-conformances - improvement suggestions |
13-25 Verification results |
valid |
Verification results may have the following characteristics: - Verification data and logs - Verification measure passed - Verification measure not passed - Verification measure not executed, and a rationale - Information about the verification execution (date, “object-under-verification”, etc.) - Abstraction or summary of verification results |
13-51 Consistency Evidence |
valid |
Consistency Evidence may have the following characteristics: - Demonstrates bidirectional traceability between artifacts or information in artifacts, throughout all phases of the life cycle, by e.g., - tool links - hyperlinks - editorial references - naming conventions - Evidence that the content of the referenced or mapped information coheres semantically along the traceability chain, e.g., by - performing pair working or group work - performing by peers, e.g., spot checks - maintaining revision histories in documents - providing change commenting (via e.g., meta-information) of database or repository entries .. note:: This evidence can be accompanied by e.g., Definition of Done (DoD) approaches. |
13-52 Communication Evidence |
valid |
Communication Evidence may have the following characteristics: - All forms of interpersonal communication such as - e-mails, also automatically generated ones - tool-supported workflows - meeting, verbally or via meeting minutes (e.g., daily standups) - podcast - blog - videos - forum - live chat - wikis - photo protocol |
13-53 Qualification evidence |
valid |
Definition not available yet in PAM4.0 document. |
13-55 Process resource and infrastructure documentation |
valid |
Process resource and infrastructure documentation may have the following characteristics: - Information on availability, allocation, and usage of - Facilities - Tools and corresponding licenses - Networks - Services - Samples - for non-standard and critical resources and infrastructure. |
14-01 Change history |
valid |
Change history may have the following characteristics: - Historical records of all changes made to an object (document, file, software component, etc.): - description of change - version information about changed object - date of change - change requester information - change control record information |
14-02 Corrective action |
valid |
Corrective action may have the following characteristics: - Identifies the initial problem - Identifies the ownership for completion of defined action - Defines a solution (series of actions to fix problem) - Identifies the open date and target closure date - Contains a status indicator - Indicates follow up audit actions |
14-10 Work package |
valid |
Work package may have the following characteristics: - Defines activities to be performed - Documents ownership for activities e.g., by domains - Documents critical dependencies to other work packages - Documents input and output work products - Documents the critical dependencies between defined work products - Information needed to perform these activities - Estimates of effort, duration .. note:: The work package descriptions may be integrated into the/be a part of a schedule, see 08-56 |
14-50 Stakeholder groups list |
valid |
Stakeholder groups list may have the following characteristics: Identifies: - involved parties - weight/importance of each stakeholder group - representative(s) for each stakeholder group - information needs of each stakeholder group |
14-53 Role Assignment |
valid |
Role Assignment may have the following characteristics: - Assignment of person(s) to roles - required competencies vs existing competencies - required skills vs existing skills - required experience and trainings based on identified competencies / skills gap |
14-55 Software Bill of materials |
valid |
Software Bill of materials may have the following characteristics: - Uniquely identifies type, supplier, and amount of the complete set of all software parts of the software |
15-06 Project status |
valid |
Project status may have the following characteristics: - Status of in regards to progress and consistency of schedule, work item content, tasks, resources (human resources, infrastructure, hardware/materials, budget), skills and competence of human resources - planned progress and expenditure against dates/deadlines and actual expenditure - reasons for variance from planned progress - threats to continued progress - issues which may affect the ability of the project to achieve its goals - contingency actions |
15-07 Reuse analysis evidence |
valid |
Reuse analysis evidence may have the following characteristics: - Identification of reuse opportunities - Identification of constraints for reuse - Identification of regression test cases - Identification of reuse infrastructure - Identification of known defects |
15-09 Risk status |
valid |
Risk status may have the following characteristics: - Identifies the status, or the change, of an identified risk: - risk statement - risk source - risk impact and risk probability - categories and risk thresholds, e.g., for prioritization or setting a status - risk treatment activities in progress |
15-12 Problem status |
valid |
Problem status may have the following characteristics: - Indicates progress of problem resolution - Status of problem e.g., - by problem categories/classification - by problem resolution stage |
15-13 Assessment/audit report |
valid |
Assessment/audit report may have the following characteristics: - States the purpose of assessment - Method used for assessment - Requirements used for the assessment - Assumptions and limitations - Identifies the context and scope information required: -- date of assessment -- organizational unit assessed -- sponsor information -- assessment team -- attendees -- scope/coverage -- assesses and information -- assessment tool used - Records the result: -- Data -- identifies the gaps, potentials, weaknesses or non-conformances that require corrective actions |
15-16 Improvement opportunity |
valid |
Improvement opportunity may have the following characteristics: - Identifies what the problem is - Identifies what the cause of a problem is - Suggest what could be done to fix the problem - Identifies the value (expected benefit) in performing the improvement - Identifies the penalty for not making the improvement |
15-51 Analysis Results |
valid |
Analysis Results may have the following characteristics: - Identification of the object under analysis - The analysis criteria used, e.g.: - selection criteria or prioritization scheme used - decision criteria - quality criteria - The analysis results, e.g.: - what was decided/selected - reason for the selection - assumptions made - potential negative impact - Aspects of the analysis may include - correctness - understandability - verifiability - feasibility - validity |
15-52 Verification Results |
valid |
Verification Results may have the following characteristics: - Verification data and logs - Verification measure passed - Verification measure not passed - Verification measure not executed - Information about the test execution (date, tester name etc.) - Abstraction or summary of verification results |
15-54 Tailoring documentation |
valid |
Tailoring documentation results may have the following characteristics: - Applied criteria for tailoring, - Evidence that the defined process is tailored from the standard process according to the defined criteria |
15-55 Problem analysis evidence |
valid |
Problem analysis evidence may have the following characteristics: - Author and involved parties - Date of the analysis - Context and root cause of the problem - Analysis result may include - Impact - Potential negative impact - Affected parties - Potential solution (if known) |
15-56 Configuration status |
valid |
Configuration status may have the following characteristics: - Summary of configuration management records including relevant status - Analysis of the configuration management overall state - Identification of baselines made |
15-57 Quantitative process analysis results |
valid |
Quantitative process analysis results may have the following characteristics: - Deviations, and distributions, of the quantitative performance of individual process instances performance from the established quantitative control limits (special causes of variations) |
15-58 Common cause of variation analysis results |
valid |
Common cause of variation analysis results may have the following characteristics: - Identification of common causes - deviations of the quantitative performance of all process instances from the established quantitative control limits - distributions of the quantitative performance of all process instances within established quantitative control limits |
16-00 Repository |
valid |
Repository may have the following characteristics: Charcteristics according to Wikipedia, as the PAM 4.0 is lacking it in the IIC. A software repository, or repo for short, is a storage location for software packages. Often a table of contents is also stored, along with metadata. A software repository is typically managed by source or version control, or repository managers. Package managers allow automatically installing and updating repositories, sometimes called "packages". |
16-03 Configuration management system |
valid |
Configuration management system may have the following characteristics: - Supports the configuration management for the scope of the configuration item list contents - Correct configuration of products - Can recreate any release or test configuration - Ability to report configuration status - Has to cover all relevant tools |
16-06 Process repository |
valid |
Process repository may have the following characteristics: - Contains process descriptions - Supports multiple presentations of process assets |
16-50 Organizational structure |
valid |
Organizational structure may have the following characteristics: - Disciplinary reporting line - Organizational units and sub-units, if applicable |
17-00 Requirement |
valid |
Requirements may have the following characteristics: - An expectation of functions and capabilities (e.g., non-functional requirements), or one of its interfaces - from a black-box perspective - that is verifiable, does not imply a design or implementation decision, is unambiguous, and does not introduce contradictions to other requirements. - A requirements statement that implies, or represents, a design or implementation decision is called “Design Constraint”. - Examples for requirements aspects at the system level are thermal characteristics such as - heat dissipation - dimensions - weight - materials - Examples of aspects related to requirements about system interfaces are - connectors - cables - housing - Examples for requirements at the hardware level are - lifetime and mission profile, lifetime robustness - maximum price - storage and transportation requirements - functional behavior of analog or digital circuits and logic - quiescent current, voltage impulse responsiveness to crank, startstop, drop-out, load dump - temperature, maximum hardware heat dissipation - power consumption depending on the operating state such as sleep-mode, start-up, reset conditions - frequencies, modulation, signal delays, filters, control loops - power-up and power-down sequences, accuracy and precision of signal acquisition or signal processing time - computing resources such as memory space and CPU clock tolerances - maximum abrasive wear and shearing forces for e.g., pins or soldering joints - requirements resulting from lessons learned - safety related requirements derived from the technical safety concept |
17-05 Requirements for work products |
valid |
Requirements for work products may have the following characteristics: - Requirements for content and structure, storage and control - Identifies documentation specific meta data, such as id, date, author information, ownership, access rights, review and approval status with, where applicable, status model and workflow, or others - Identifies requirements on documentation structure, e.g., table of content or figures or other formal aspects - May be provided by documentation templates - May be based on tool specific templates - Defines the storage location such as data repository, tool, versioning system - Requirements for versioning - Requirements for baselining - Distribution of the documents - Maintenance and disposal of the documents - May be specific for certain types of documents |
17-54 Requirement Attribute |
valid |
Requirement Attributes may have the following characteristics: - Meta-attributes that support structuring and definition of release scopes of requirements. - Can be realized by means of tools. .. note:: usage of requirements attributes may further support analysis of requirements. |
17-55 Resource needs |
valid |
Resource needs may have the following characteristics: - Identification of required resources for process performance - Staff including competencies, skills and authorities needs - Material, equipment, and infrastructure - Time and budget .. note:: Needs are derived from Work Breakdown structure and schedule |
18-00 Standard |
valid |
Standard may have the following characteristics: - Identification of to whom/what they apply - Expectations for conformance are identified - Conformance to requirements can be demonstrated - Provisions for tailoring or exception to the requirements are included |
18-06 Product release criteria |
valid |
Product release criteria may have the following characteristics: - Defines expectations for product release: - release type and status - required elements of the release - product completeness including documentation - adequacy and coverage of testing - limit for open defects - change control status |
18-07 Quality criteria |
valid |
Quality criteria may have the following characteristics: - Defines the expectations for work products and process performance - Including thresholds/tolerance levels, required measurements, required checkpoints - Defines what is an adequate work product (required elements, completeness expected, accuracy, etc.) - Defines what constitutes the completeness of the defined tasks - Defines what constitutes the performance of the defined tasks - Establishes expected performance attributes |
18-52 Escalation path |
valid |
Escalation path may have the following characteristics: - Defined mechanisms to report and confirm escalation relevant issues - Identifies stakeholders to be included in the escalation path - Identifies levels of escalation |
18-53 Configuration item selection criteria |
valid |
Configuration item selection criteria may have the following characteristics: - Identify types of work products to be subject to configuration control |
18-57 Change analysis criteria |
valid |
Change analysis criteria may have the following characteristics: - Defines analysis criteria, such as - resource requirements - scheduling issues - risks - benefits |
18-58 Process performance objectives |
valid |
Process performance objectives may have the following characteristics: - Objectives for the process of creating the process outcomes and capability level 2 achievements, and corresponding evaluation criteria - Assumptions and constraints, if applicable - Used as the basis for deriving a detailed planning - Examples: - Effort, costs, or budget targets (e.g., min/max limits) - Process-specific deadlines in line with milestones, or frequency of activities (o e.g., dates for deliveries to the customer, quality gates) - Metrics (e.g., max. number of open change requests per release, max. ratio of configuration items in status “in work” at certain milestones before next delivery / release date) |
18-59 Review and approval criteria for work products |
valid |
Process performance objectives may have the following characteristics: - Specifies for each type of work products review and approval needs - If and when a review is required - Who shall review it - Who shall approve it - Review method(s) to be used - Criteria for approval |
18-70 Business goals |
valid |
Business goals may have the following characteristics: - Explanation of the business goals - Requirements for the business needs - Associations to other goals - Reasons for the existence of the goals and needs, level of degree of the need and effect on the business not having that need - Conditions, constraints, assumptions - Timeframe for achievement - Authorization at the highest level |
18-80 Improvement opportunity |
valid |
Improvement opportunity may have the following characteristics: - Cause of the improvement need, e.g., - from qualitative or quantitative process performance analysis, evaluations, and monitoring - industry best practice review, state-of-the-art observations, market studies etc. - Improvement objectives derived from organizational business goals and improvement needs - Organizational scope - Process scope - Activities to be performed to keep all those affected by the improvement informed - Priorities |
18-81 Improvement evaluation results |
valid |
Improvement evaluation results may have the following characteristics: - Operational impacts of identified changes on the product(s) and processes - Expected benefit - Conditions, constraints, assumptions |
19-01 Process performance strategy |
valid |
Process performance strategy may have the following characteristics: - The operational approach to achieve the process outcomes, consistent with the Process Performance Objectives (18-58), e.g.: - proceedings, including the monitoring of the performance of the process - methodology - scope(s) of the strategy within the process, e.g.: - development sites - application domain-specific differences (e.g., software drivers versus. powertrain software) - disciplines (e.g., different configuration management approaches for software and hardware, or combined approaches) - options due to socio-cultural differences |