07-04 Process metric
status: valid
Process metric may have the following characteristics:
07-05 Project metric
status: valid
Project metric may have the following characteristics:
07-06 Quality metric
status: valid
Quality metric may have the following characteristics:
Note Refer ISO/IEC 25010 for detailed information on measurement of product quality. |
07-08 Service level metric
status: valid
Service level metric may have the following characteristics:
07-51 Measurement result
status: valid
Measurement result may have the following characteristics: Result of gathering qualitative or quantitative data, e.g., - Process metric - Measurements about the process’ performance: – ability to produce sufficient work products – adherence to the process – time it takes to perform process – defects related to the process - Measures the impact of process change - Measures the efficiency of the process - Project metric - Monitors key processes and critical tasks, provides status information to the project on: – project performance against established plan – resource utilization against established plan – time schedule against established plan – process quality against quality expectations and/or criteria – product quality against quality expectations and/or criteria – highlight product performance problems, trends - Measures the results of project activities: - tasks are performed on schedule - product’s development is within the resource commitments allocated - References any goals established - Quality metric - Measures quality attributes of the work products defined: – functionality – reliability – usability – efficiency – maintainability – portability - Measures quality attributes of the “end customer” quality perceptionService level metric - Benchmarking data - Customer satisfaction survey |
07-61 Quantitative process metric
status: valid
Quantitative process metric may have the following characteristics:
07-62 Process analysis technique
status: valid
Process analysis technique may have the following characteristics:
07-63 Process control limits
status: valid
Process control limits may have the following characteristics:
07-64 Process measurement data
status: valid
Process measurement data may have the following characteristics: