Release note may have the following characteristics:
Coverage for key elements (as appropriate to the application):
Description of what is new or changed (including features removed)
System information and requirements
Identification of conversion programs and instructions
- Release numbering implementation may include:
- Identification of the component list (version identification included):
hardware / software / product elements, libraries, etc.
associated documentation list
New/changed parameter information (e.g., for application parameters or global variables) and/or commands.
Note that application parameters are a technical implementation solution for configurability-oriented requirements)
Backup and recovery information
List of open known problems, faults, warning information, etc.
Identification of verification and diagnostic procedures
Technical support information
Copyright and license information
The release note may include an introduction, the environmental requirements, installation procedures, product invocation,
new feature identification and a list of defect resolutions, known defects and workarounds