
11-03 Release note
status: valid

Release note may have the following characteristics:

  • Coverage for key elements (as appropriate to the application):

  • Description of what is new or changed (including features removed)

  • System information and requirements

  • Identification of conversion programs and instructions

  • Release numbering implementation may include:
    • the major release number

    • the feature release number

    • the defect repair number

    • the alpha or beta release; and the iteration within the alpha or beta release

  • Identification of the component list (version identification included):
    • hardware / software / product elements, libraries, etc.

    • associated documentation list

  • New/changed parameter information (e.g., for application parameters or global variables) and/or commands. Note that application parameters are a technical implementation solution for configurability-oriented requirements)

  • Backup and recovery information

  • List of open known problems, faults, warning information, etc.

  • Identification of verification and diagnostic procedures

  • Technical support information

  • Copyright and license information

  • The release note may include an introduction, the environmental requirements, installation procedures, product invocation, new feature identification and a list of defect resolutions, known defects and workarounds

11-04 Product release package
status: valid

Product release package may have the following characteristics:

  • Includes the hardware/software/product

  • Includes and associated release elements such as:
    • system hardware/software/product elements

    • associated customer documentation

    • application parameter definitions defined

    • command language defined

    • installation instructions

    • release letter

11-05 Software Unit
status: valid

Software Unit may have the following characteristics:

  • a representation of a software element at the lowest level in a conceptual model, which is decided not to be further subdivided and that is a part of a software component, or

  • a representation of a software unit under verification such as commented source code, auto-code, an object file, a library, an executable, or an executable model as input to verification