MAN.5 Risk Management#
The purpose is to Regularly identify, analyze, treat and monitor process related risks and product related risks.
Process outcomes#
The sources of risks are identified and regularly updated.
Potential undesirable events are identified as they develop during the conduct of the project.
Risks are analyzed and the priority in which to apply resources to treatment of these risks is determined.
Risk measures are defined, applied, and assessed to determine changes in the status of risk and the progress of the risk treatment activities.
Appropriate treatment is taken to correct or avoid the impact of risk based on its priority, probability, and consequence or other defined risk threshold.
Base practices#
MAN.5.BP1: Identify sources of risks
status: valid
Identify and regularly update the sources of risks with affected parties. Note Risks may include technical, economical, and schedule risks. Note Risks may include the suppliers’ deliverables and services. Note The risk sources may vary across the entire project life cycle. |
MAN.5.BP2: Identify potential undesirable events
status: valid
Identify potential undesirable events within the scope of the risk management for the project. |
MAN.5.BP3: Determine risks
status: valid
Determine the probability and severity of the undesirable events to support priorities for the mitigation of the risks. Note Different methods may be used to analyze technical risks of a system, for example, functional analysis, simulation, FMEA, FTA etc. |
MAN.5.BP4: Define risk treatment options
status: valid
For each risk select a treatment option to accept, mitigate, avoid, or share (transfer) the risk. |
MAN.5.BP5: Define and perform risk treatment activities
status: valid
Define and perform risk activities for risk treatment options. |
MAN.5.BP6: Monitor risks
status: valid
Regularly re-evaluate the risk related to the identified potential undesirable events to determine changes in the status of a risk and to evaluate the progress of the risk treatment activities. Note Risks of high priority may need to be communicated to and monitored by higher levels of management. |
MAN.5.BP7: Take corrective action
status: valid
When risk treatment activities are not effective, take appropriate corrective action. Note Corrective actions may involve reevaluation of risks, developing and implementing new mitigation concepts or adjusting the existing concepts. |