Information Item Characteristics#
Provides examples of the potential characteristics associated with the information item types. The assessor may use these in evaluating the samples provided by the organizational unit. It is not intended to use the listed characteristics as a checklist. Some characteristics may be contained in other work products, as it would be found appropriate in the assessed organization.
ID | Title | Status | Content |
01-03 Software Component |
valid |
Software Component may have the following characteristics: - Software element in the software architecture above the software unit level. - Represented by a design model element or executable code such as libs or scripts and a configuration description, if applicable. |
01-50 Integrated Software |
valid |
Integrated Software may have the following characteristics: - Software executable (e.g, simulator with stubbing, debug-able, object code) including: - application parameter files (being a technical implementation solution for configurability-oriented requirements) - all configured software elements |
01-52 Configuration item list |
valid |
Configuration item list may have the following characteristics: - Items under configuration control - The name of work products and an associated reference (to file, to tool artifact) - Configuration item attributes and properties |
02-01 Commitment / agreement |
valid |
Commitment / agreement may have the following characteristics: - Signed off by all parties involved in the commitment/agreement - Establishes what the commitment is for - Establishes the resources required to fulfill the commitment, such as: - time - people - budget - equipment - facilities |
03-06 Process performance information |
valid |
Process performance information may have the following characteristics: - Measurements about defined quantitative or qualitative measurable indicators, that match defined information needs. - Measurement metrics for the calculation of the quantitatively or qualitatively measurable indicators - Data comparing process performance against expected levels - Examples for project performance information: - resource utilization against established target - time schedule against established target - activity or task completion criteria met - defined input and output work products available - process quality against quality expectations and/or criteria - product quality against quality expectations and/or criteria - highlight product performance issues, trends - Examples for service level performance information: - references any goals established - real time metrics related to aspects such as: - capacity - throughput - operational performance - operational service - service outage time - up time - job run time |
03-50 Verification Measure Data |
valid |
Verification Measure Data may have the following characteristics: - Verification measure data are data recorded during the execution of a verification measure, e.g.: - for test cases: raw data, logs, traces, tool generated outputs - measurements: values - calculations: values - simulations: protocol - reviews such as optical inspections à findings record - analyses: values |
04-02 Domain architecture |
valid |
Definition not available yet in PAM4.0 document. |
04-04 Software Architecture |
valid |
Software Architecture may have the following characteristics: - A justifying rationale for the chosen architecture. - Individual functional and non-functional behavior of the software component - Settings for application parameters (being a technical implementation solution for configurability-oriented requirements) - Technical characteristics of interfaces for relationships between software components such as: - Synchronization of Processes and tasks - Programming language call - APIs - Specifications of SW libraries - Method definitions in an object- oriented class definitions or UML/SysML interface classes - Callback functions, “hooks” - Dynamics of software components and software states such as: - Logical software operating modes (e.g, start-up, shutdown, normal mode, calibration, diagnosis, etc.) - intercommunication (processes, tasks, threads) and priority - time slices and cycle time - interrupts with their priorities - interactions between software components - Explanatory annotations, e.g, with natural language, for single elements or entire diagrams/models. |
04-05 Software detailed design |
valid |
Software detailed design may have the following characteristics: - Elements of a software detailed design: - Control flow definition - Format of input/output data - Algorithms - Defined data structures - Justified global variables - Explanatory annotations, e.g, with natural language, for single elements or entire diagrams/models - Examples for expression languages, depending on the complexity or criticality of a software unit: - natural language or informal languages - semi-formal languages (e.g, UML, SysML) - formal languages (e.g, model-based approach) |
06-04 Training material |
valid |
Training material may have the following characteristics: - Updated and available for new releases - Coverage of system, application, operations, maintenance as appropriate to the application - Course listings and availability |