Process Requirements#

Architectural Structuring#

Hierarchical structure of architectural elements
status: valid
status: valid
tags: architecture_design

Architectural elements shall be hierarchically structured on two levels:

  • Feature

  • Component

Additionally there shall be a view for the Top Level SW component container.

Architecture Views
status: valid
status: valid
tags: architecture_design

The architecture shall be shown with following views on each architectural level:

  • static view

  • dynamic view

  • interface view

Architecture Modeling
status: valid
status: valid
tags: architecture_design

For architecture design a model based approach should be used.

Structuring of the architectural building blocks
status: valid
status: valid
tags: architecture_design

For modeling the viewpoints following elements shall be used:

  • Feature

  • Component

  • Logical Interfaces

  • Interfaces

  • Interface Operation

Correlations of the architectural building blocks
status: valid
status: valid
tags: architecture_design

For modeling the viewpoints following relations shall be used:

Definition of the Metamodel for Architectural Design
Building Blocks Dynamic Architecture
status: valid
status: valid
tags: architecture_design

It shall be possible to provide the required architectural building blocks inside the dynamic architecture.

Attributes of Architectural Elements#

Architecture attribute: UID
status: valid
status: valid
tags: attribute, mandatory, architecture_design

Each architectural element shall have a unique ID. It shall be in a format which is also human readable and consists of

  • type of architectural element

  • last part of the feature tree

  • keyword describing the content of the requirement.

The naming convention is defined here: Naming Convention for UIDs

Architecture attribute: security
status: valid
status: valid
tags: attribute, mandatory, architecture_design

Each requirement shall have a security relevance identifier:

  • Yes

  • No

Architecture attribute: safety
status: valid
status: valid
tags: attribute, mandatory, architecture_design

Each requirement shall have a automotive safety integrity level (ASIL) identifier:

  • QM

  • ASIL_B

  • ASIL_D

Architecture attribute: status
status: valid
status: valid
tags: attribute, mandatory, architecture_design

Each requirement shall have a status:

  • valid

  • invalid

Architecture attribute: fulfils
status: valid
status: valid
tags: attribute, mandatory, architecture_design

Each architectural element shall have a link to a requirement.

Traceability to Requirements#

Architecture traceability
status: valid
status: valid
tags: architecture_design

Requirements shall be fulfilled by the architecture at the corresponding level.


  • feat_req <-> feat_arch_(sta|dyn|int)

  • comp_req <-> comp_arch_(sta|dyn|int)


In general the traceability is visualized in Fig. 20

Checks for Architectural Design#

Architecture mandatory attributes
status: valid
status: valid
tags: attribute, check, architecture_design

It shall be checked if all mandatory attributes for each architectural element is provided by the user. For all elements following attributes shall be mandatory:

Overview mandatory requirement attributes#


Architecture attribute: fulfils

Architecture attribute: safety

Architecture attribute: status

Architecture attribute: UID

Architecture attribute: security

Architecture linkage safety
status: valid
status: valid
tags: attribute, check, architecture_design

It shall be checked that every valid safety architectural element is linked against its top level element as defined in Correlations of the archite... (gd_req__arch__build_blocks_corr).

Architecture linkage requirement
status: valid
status: valid
tags: attribute, check, architecture_design

It shall be checked that each architectural element (safety!=QM) is linked against a safety requirement (safety!=QM).

Architecture linkage requirement type
status: valid
status: valid
tags: attribute, check, architecture_design

It shall be checked that requirements can only be linked to architectural elements according to the defined traceability:

  • Functional feature requirements <-> static / dynamic feature architecture

  • Interface feature requirements <-> interface feature architecture

  • Functional component requirements <-> static / dynamic component architecture

  • Interface component requirements <-> interface component architecture

Architecture linkage safety
status: valid
status: valid
tags: attribute, check, architecture_design

It shall be checked that safety architectural elements (Safety != QM) can only be linked against safety architectural elements.

Architecture linkage security
status: valid
status: valid
tags: attribute, check, architecture_design

It shall be checked that security relevant architectural elements (Security == YES) can only be linked against security relevant architectural elements.

Architecture check consistency modules
status: valid
status: valid
tags: model, check, architecture_design

It shall be checked if all mentioned SW components are available in the modules repository.

Architecture check consistency interfaces
status: valid
status: valid
tags: model, check, architecture_design

It shall be checked if all mentioned component interfaces are available in the modules repository.

Architecture check consistency dynamic architecture
status: valid
status: valid
tags: model, check, architecture_design

It shall be checked if all SW components which are mentioned in the dynamic architecture are defined in the static architecture.