Getting Started#
Architecture Design Process
status: valid
As described in the Architecure Design Concept currently two views are defined. The getting started provides an overview which steps need to be done to create the feature architecture and the component architecture.
For the detailed description both an Architectural Design and an Architecture Process are available.
General Workflow#
Fig. 13 Architecture Design Workflow#
Fig. 13 shows all steps which are required to create an architectural design. In this getting started only a short overview is given. A more detailed description of all the step is provided in the guideline (gd_guidl__arch__design)
Tooling support#
For creating the architectural design, snippets in vs code are available:
The needs itself which are the basis for the template are defined in the Architectural Design.
Architecture Generation for Sphinx-Needs#
The system provides utilities to generate UML diagrams from requirement specifications. It supports various architectural elements types including:
Logical Interfaces
Component Interfaces
as well as the linkage between them.
To generate a UML diagram, use the needarch directive in your Sphinx-Needs documentation:
.. needarch::
:scale: 50
:align: center
{{ draw_feature(need(), needs) }}
You can add any layout or additional configuration you want before you call the draw_xyz.
It’s also possible to manually extend the drawing. For an example, check out Manual Addition to the UML
Available Drawing Classes#
# Draw Feature
# Generates a UML representation of a feature and its included components/interfaces.
{{ draw_feature(need(), needs) }}
# Draw Logical Interface
# Renders a logical interface and its operations.
{{ draw_logical_interface(need(), needs) }}
# Draw Component
# Creates a complete component diagram including internal structure and linkages.
{{ draw_component(need(), needs) }}
# Draw Component Interface
# Generates a component interface diagram with its operations and implementations.
{{ draw_component_interface(need(), needs)}}
Note: The above syntax is for the needarch directive. It is also possible to use the needuml directive. To achieve this the need() call needs to be replaced with the following, as needuml does not support need()
# need() => needs.__getitem__('ID OF THE REQUIREMENT YOU ARE IN')
# For example, drawing the requirement:
would then look as such
{{ draw_component( needs.__getitem__('COMP_ARC_STA__component_manual_1'), needs ) }}
Rendered Examples#
Here are some excerpts of UML diagrams made from the requirements of that file.
.. comp_arc_sta:: Component 1
:id: comp_arc_sta__component_getstrt
:status: valid
:safety: ASIL_B
:security: NO
:uses: comp_arc_int__archdes_component_interface_3
:implements: comp_arc_int__archdes_component_interface_1
:fulfils: comp_req__archdes_example_req
.. needarch::
:scale: 50
:align: center
{{ draw_component( need(), needs ) }}
Component 1
status: valid
security: NO
safety: ASIL_B
Manual Addition to the UML#
We use a similar rst as above, just this time we use needuml and add some extra manual UML at the end. To make needuml work we have to replace the need() call with a different function call.
.. comp_arc_sta:: Component Get Startet Manually Edited
:id: comp_arc_sta__component_manual_getstrt
:status: valid
:safety: ASIL_B
:security: NO
:uses: comp_arc_int__archdes_component_interface_3
:implements: comp_arc_int__archdes_component_interface_1
:fulfils: comp_req__archdes_example_req
.. needuml::
{{ draw_component( needs.__getitem__('comp_arc_sta__component_getstrt'), needs ) }}
component "Component Manual" as CM {
Component Get Startet Manually Edited
status: valid
security: NO
safety: ASIL_B
Grouping functionality needs improvement
Manual extendability is limited to the same type as the underlying drawing, either class or association diagram types
Currently only uses the need attributes includes, uses, implements