
Platform Release Note Template
status: draft
status: draft
Platform Release Notes
Release Tag: vX.Y.Z
Release Commit Hash: a1b2c3d4e5f6g7h8i9j0
Release Date: YYYY-MM-DD

This document provides an overview of the changes, improvements, and bug fixes included in the platform release version vX.Y.Z.

New Features
- Feature 1: Brief description of the new feature.
- Feature 2: Brief description of the new feature.
- Feature 3: Brief description of the new feature.

- Improvement 1: Brief description of the improvement.
- Improvement 2: Brief description of the improvement.
- Improvement 3: Brief description of the improvement.

Bug Fixes
- Bug 1: Brief description of the bug fix.
- Bug 2: Brief description of the bug fix.
- Bug 3: Brief description of the bug fix.

Integrated Software Modules
- Module 1: Version and brief description of the module. Link to Software module release note.
- Module 2: Version and brief description of the module. Link to Software module release note.
- Module 3: Version and brief description of the module. Link to Software module release note.

Known Issues
- Issue 1: Brief description of the known issue. Justification regarding safety impact.
- Issue 2: Brief description of the known issue. Justification regarding safety impact.
- Issue 3: Brief description of the known issue. Justification regarding safety impact.

Upgrade Instructions

1. Step 1: Description of the first step.
2. Step 2: Description of the second step.
3. Step 3: Description of the third step.

Contact Information

For any questions or support, please contact the Project Lead or raise an issue/discussion.
Module Release Note Template
status: draft
Software Module Release Notes

Module Name: [Module Name]
Release Tag: vX.Y.Z
Release Commit Hash: a1b2c3d4e5f6g7h8i9j0
Release Date: YYYY-MM-DD


This document provides an overview of the changes, improvements, and bug fixes included in the software module release version vX.Y.Z.

New Features

- Feature 1: Brief description of the new feature.
- Feature 2: Brief description of the new feature.
- Feature 3: Brief description of the new feature.


- Improvement 1: Brief description of the improvement.
- Improvement 2: Brief description of the improvement.
- Improvement 3: Brief description of the improvement.

Bug Fixes

- Bug 1: Brief description of the bug fix.
- Bug 2: Brief description of the bug fix.
- Bug 3: Brief description of the bug fix.


- Dependencies: List any dependencies and their versions.

Known Issues

- Issue 1: Brief description of the known issue. Justification regarding safety impact.
- Issue 2: Brief description of the known issue. Justification regarding safety impact.
- Issue 3: Brief description of the known issue. Justification regarding safety impact.

Upgrade Instructions

1. Step 1: Description of the first step.
2. Step 2: Description of the second step.
3. Step 3: Description of the third step.

Contact Information

For any questions or support, please contact the Project lead or raise an issue/discussion.