Concept Description#
Concept Description
status: draft
This section describes the general concept for the release management process. The release process can be separated into two parts. On the first level are the software module releases. These are independent from the platform and can be separated over various repositories. Once a software module is released it can be contained within a platform release which can include multiple software module releases within a platform release scope.
Module safety case
Platform safety case
Issue tracking system
Platform Management Plan
Module release plan
Module release note
Platform release plan
Platform release note
Platform Release Plan#
The platform release plan provides a reliable plan on what software modules can be expected in the upcoming platform release. The platform release plan is reflected by feature requests which are demanded. Therefore it is of importance that the Project Leads are aligned with the various software module Technical Leads and Project Leads to align the platform release plan properly with the module release plan as the platform release plan has a clear dependency on its output.
Tech Lead Circle (rl__technical_lead)
Define and proposes scope of individual module release
Aligns module release timeline with platform release plan
Project Lead Circle (rl__project_lead)
Creates and maintains the platform release plan
Aligns with the Tech Lead Circle the timeline from various module release plans
Platform Release#
The Platform Release contains the full SCORE scope which spans over many modules. The releases are proposed by the Technical Leads and approved by Project Leads. Every software module has its own repository which contains multiple components, their requirements, architecture, implementation and tests.
Tech Lead Circle (rl__technical_lead)
Define and proposes scope of release
Writes platform release notes
Project Lead Circle (rl__project_lead)
Approves the platform release notes
Adds and removes software modules to the platform
Releases the platform
Module Release Plan#
The module release plan gives a guidance when certain features can be expected on a module level. It is created by the respective Tech Leads and Project Leads of the module.
Tech Lead Circle (rl__technical_lead)
Define and proposes scope of individual module Release
Creates and maintains the module release plan
Project Lead Circle (rl__project_lead)
Approves the module release plan
Module Release#
Each software module needs to have its dedicated release and the accompanying release notes. Only released software modules can be included into a platform release.
Tech Lead Circle (rl__technical_lead)
Provides the software module release notes
Project Lead Circle (rl__project_lead)
Aligns software module release timing schedule
Adds and removes Software modules to the Platform
Branching Strategy#
Branches: * main: Stable, production-ready code. * release/*: Branches for distinct releases, named release/<version-number>.
When ready for a new release, create a branch release/<version-number> from main. Perform final testing and adjustments on the release branch. Tag the release in the release branch.