Stakeholder Requirements Templates
status: valid
.. stkh_req:: <Title>
:id: stkh_req__<Title>
:reqtype: <Functional|Interface|Process|Legal|Non-Functional>
:safety: <QM|ASIL_B|ASIL_D>
:rational: <The rationale provides the reason that the requirement is needed.>
:status: <valid|invalid>
Feature Requirements Templates
status: valid
.. feat_req:: <Title>
:id: feat_req__<Feature>__<Title>
:reqtype: <Functional|Interface|Process|Legal|Non-Functional>
:security: <YES|NO>
:safety: <QM|ASIL_B|ASIL_D>
:satisfies: <link to stakeholder requirement id>
:status: <valid|invalid>
Component Requirements Templates
status: valid
.. comp_req:: <Title>
:id: comp_req__<Component>__<Title>
:reqtype: <Functional|Interface|Process|Legal|Non-Functional>
:security: <YES|NO>
:safety: <QM|ASIL_B|ASIL_D>
:satisfies: <link to feature requirement id>
:status: <valid|invalid>
AoU Requirement Templates
status: valid
.. aou_req:: <Title>
:id: aou_req__<Component>__<Title>
:reqtype: <Functional|Interface|Process|Legal|Non-Functional>
:security: <YES|NO>
:safety: <QM|ASIL_B|ASIL_D>
:status: <valid|invalid>
:mitigates: <link to safety analysis>
Process Requirements Templates
status: valid
.. gd_req:: <Title>
:id: gd_req__<Tool>__<Title>
:satisfies: <link to guidance id>
:status: <valid|invalid>
Requirement Formulation Template
status: valid
Requirements shall be specified according to the following schema: <The SW Platform|Feature|Component> shall <main verb> <object> <parameter> <temporal/logical conjunction> <Note: (optional, not to be verified)>
Note Of the last three columns of the above sentence template table, filling one is mandatory the others are optional. |