Process Requirements#
Requirements Structure
status: valid
Requirements shall be hierarchically grouped into different levels. Following levels are defined:
Process Requirement Attributes#
Requirement attribute: UID
status: valid
Each requirement shall have a unique ID. It shall be in a format which is also human readable and consists of
The naming convention is defined here: Naming Convention for UIDs |
Requirement attribute: title
status: valid
The title of the requirement shall provide a short summary of the description. This means that e.g. the word “shall” must not be used here. |
Requirement attribute: description
status: valid
Each requirement shall have a description. Note ISO/IEC/IEEE/29148 - Systems and software engineering — Life cycle processes — Requirements engineering defines general concepts including terms and examples for functional requirements syntax. The concepts shall apply. |
Requirement attribute: type
status: valid
Each requirement shall have a type of one of following options:
Requirements attribute: security
status: valid
Each requirement shall have a security relevance identifier:
Requirement attribute: safety
status: valid
Each requirement shall have a automotive safety integrity level (ASIL) identifier:
Requirement attribute: status
status: valid
Each requirement shall have a status:
Requirement attribute: rationale
status: valid
Each stakeholder requirement shall provide a in the attribute rationale the reason why that the requirement is needed. |
Process Requirement Linkage#
Requirement Linkage
status: valid
Requirements shall be linked to its adjacent level via the attribute satisfies.
Requirement attribute: requirement covered
status: valid
It shall be possible to specify the requirement coverage.
Requirement attribute: link to implementation
status: valid
It shall be possible to link requirements to code and include a link to github to the respective line of code in an attribute of the requirement. |
Requirement attribute: link to test
status: valid
It shall be possible to link requirements to tests and automatically include a link to the test case in the attribute testlink. |
Requirement attribute: test covered
status: valid
It shall be possible to specify if requirements are completely covered by the linked test cases.
Requirement attribute: versioning
status: valid
It shall be possible to provide a versioning for requirements. It shall be possible to detect if any of the mandatory attributes differ from the versioning: Requirements mandatory attr... (gd_req__req__attr_mandatory) A more detailed description of the concept can be found here: Requirement attribute: vers... (gd_req__req__attr_hash) |
Process Requirements Checks#
Requirements mandatory attributes provided
status: valid
It shall be checked if all mandatory attributes for each requirement is provided by the user. For all requirements following attributes shall be mandatory:
Requirements no weak words
status: valid
It shall be ensured that no weak words are contained in the requirement description. |
Requirements linkage level
status: valid
Every feature- and component requirement shall be linked to at least one parent requirement according to the defined traceability scheme: |
Requirements linkage architecture
status: valid
It shall be checked if every feature- and component requirement is linked at least to one architectural element. |
Requirements linkage safety
status: valid
It shall be checked that safety requirements (Safety != QM) can only be linked against safety requirements. |