Test Specification Guideline#

Test specification#

A test specification contains the following attributes.

Table 33 Test specification properties#


Type / Values


Helpful links

Partially and/or Fully Verifies

Sphinx-needs Id(s)

Links to one or more requirement Ids. Can be partial or full coverage of a requirement, as per test property.



The description should include

  • The objective of the test.

  • Inputs

  • Expected outcome (e.g. “A success message is displayed.”)

  • Test environment (e.g. network configuration, clean system state)


  • valid

  • invalid


Examples are:

These are example values and an incomplete list. A full list of test types is available in Verification Concept (doc_concept__verification__process) at Verification Methods.


Examples are:

  • requirements-analysis

  • boundary-values

  • equivalence-classes

  • error-guessing

These are example values and an incomplete list. A full list of test methods is available in Verification Concept (doc_concept__verification__process) at Verification Methods.

The implementation of Verification Plan (wp__verification__plan) defines the full list of allowed types and methods.

Test description#

Following Given-When-Then is a preferred way to write test specifications.

  • Given (alternatively // Setup )
    This section contains the setup of the input.
  • Expected
    This Section contains the expectation for calls to mocks or stubs
  • When (alternatively // Call )
    This section contains the call to the software under test.
  • Then (alternatively // Expect )
    This section contains the verification criteria of the test (e.g. all EXPECT statements).
TEST(CreateObjectHistory, GivenVehicleInFront_ExpectHistoryBehindFrontVehicle)
   // Given
   const auto whatever_input_values = CreateVehicleInFront();

   // Expected
   EXPECT_CALL(..., ...);

   // When
   const auto history = CreateObjectHistory(whatever_input_values, ...);

   // Then
   for (const auto point : history)
      EXPECT_EQ(..., ...);

Another example for a good test description could be:

Verify successful login with valid credentials.
- Username: testuser
- Password: password123
Expected Outcome:
- User is redirected to the home page and the welcome message “Hello, testuser!” is displayed.

A example for a bad test description could be:

Test user login

Additional information can also be found in Verification Guideline (gd_guidl__verification_guide).

The specification is part of the test implementation and has to comply to the requirements specified in Linking Requirements to Tests (gd_req__link_tests).