
This document describes the general guidances for Change Management based on the concept which is defined Concept Description.

General Hints#

The detailed implementation of the Change Management for S-CORE is described in the Change Management Plan.


Need templates displaying the correct syntax and attribute definition are provided for each Change Request type.

Table 6 Overview#

Change Request Type



Feature Request Template

Feature Modification

Feature Request Template


Component Request Template

Component Modification

Component Request Template


For all Change Requests following mandatory attributes need to be defined:

Overview of mandatory change request attributes#


Change Request attribute: Affected Work Products

Change Request attribute: description

Change Request attribute: safety

Change Request attribute: security

Change Request attribute: Milestone

Requirement attribute: status

Change Request attribute: title

Change Request attribute: UID

  • ID: Unique integer number

  • For the remaining attributes only predefined values can be used. A more detailed description can be found here: Attributes of Change Requests

Workflow for Change Requests#

This section describes in detail which steps need to be performed for a Change Request.

Table 7 Workflow for Change Request#





Create change request



Analyze Change Request



Approve Change Request



Implement Change Request



Verify Change Request


Create Change Request#

Contributor creates the Change Request in the defined Issue Tracking System linked to the created Feature or Component Request work products based on the provided templates. It is expected, that the UID will be provided by the Issue Tracking System.

The title of the Change Request should reflect the type (new feature/component request or feature/component modification).

The description should reflect the detailed changes. In case of a new feature/component request, fill-out the template sections properly. For modifications touch only the concerned sections.

Set the status of the Change Request to “draft”, indicating that is not ready for review.

Analyze Change Request#

To enable the S-CORE Committer to take a decision for approval of the Change Request, Contributor analyses and documents the request concerning the following topics in the created Change Request:

  1. List of all affected work products

  2. Provide potential implementation schedule including targeted Milestone

  3. Identify risks for implementation, required S-CORE resources

  4. Identify impact on existing work products and on functional safety, security

  5. Define verification measures used to confirm the implementation

Set the status of the Change Request to “draft”, indicating that is not ready for review. Otherwise, change the status to “in review”, so that Committer is informed to start approval.

Approve Change Request#

Committer checks the Change Request in status “in review” based on checklist questions and provided content. If the check is passed, the Change Request is approved, which is pre-requisite for the implementation of the Change Request. In this case the status of the Change Request is changed to “accepted”.

In case information are missing the status will be kept in “in review” and the creator is asked for resolving the review comments.

Finally the Change Request may also “rejected”, then the implementation is not wanted.

Implement Change Request#

Contributor implements the Change Request. This is indicated by the Change Request status “in implementation”. During implementation the responsible lead Technical Lead or Module Project Lead reports regularly the status to the involved S-CORE teams until is completed and verified.

The traceability from the Change Request to the affected work products must be established during implementation. Also the verification measures must be executed.

Verify Change Request#

Committer must finally check, that implementation is complete and the defined verification measures are properly executed and successfully pass, before the Change Request can be confirmed.

The Change Request is closed by setting the status to “confirmed”.