Workflow Change Management#

Create/Analyze Change Request
status: valid

The Change Request is created and analyzed.

The Change Request must be filled out based on existing templates, including affected work products, impact on functional safety and security, schedule, risk resources and verification measures.

All affected work products are traced.

Until the template is not filled out properly, the Change Request may be kept in “draft” from the [Committer (rl__committer)]. The possible outcome is either a Change Request with status “draft” or “in review”.

Review/Approve Change Request
status: valid

The Change Request is evaluated based on the analysis result either approved, rejected or delayed.

The Change Request is implemented and verified. The defined verification measures must be available and pass.

The final approval is done by the [Technical Lead (rl__technical_lead)] or the [Module Project Lead (rl__module_lead)] dependent on the scope.

The possible outcome is either a Change Request with status “accepted” or “rejected” or kept “in review”.