
04-02 Domain architecture
status: valid

Definition not available yet in PAM4.0 document.

04-04 Software Architecture
status: valid

Software Architecture may have the following characteristics:

  • A justifying rationale for the chosen architecture.

  • Individual functional and non-functional behavior of the software component

  • Settings for application parameters (being a technical implementation solution for configurability-oriented requirements)

  • Technical characteristics of interfaces for relationships between software components such as:

    • Synchronization of Processes and tasks

    • Programming language call

    • APIs

    • Specifications of SW libraries

    • Method definitions in an object- oriented class definitions or UML/SysML interface classes

    • Callback functions, “hooks”

  • Dynamics of software components and software states such as:

    • Logical software operating modes (e.g, start-up, shutdown, normal mode, calibration, diagnosis, etc.)

    • intercommunication (processes, tasks, threads) and priority

    • time slices and cycle time

    • interrupts with their priorities

    • interactions between software components

  • Explanatory annotations, e.g, with natural language, for single elements or entire diagrams/models.

04-05 Software detailed design
status: valid

Software detailed design may have the following characteristics:

  • Elements of a software detailed design:

    • Control flow definition

    • Format of input/output data

    • Algorithms

    • Defined data structures

    • Justified global variables

    • Explanatory annotations, e.g, with natural language, for single elements or entire diagrams/models

  • Examples for expression languages, depending on the complexity or criticality of a software unit:

    • natural language or informal languages

    • semi-formal languages (e.g, UML, SysML)

    • formal languages (e.g, model-based approach)