Traceability concept#
Traceability is the key to ensure consistency between work products. Furthermore, traceability supports impact analysis, dependency analysis, coverage determination for requirements and verification, and tracking of implementation status.
Therefore S-CORE requires at least for safety-relevant work products single-requirement granularity of traceability.
The following figures gives an overview about the traceability between different work products on different levels and detail.
High level traceability overview#
The following figure shows the traceability between the major S-CORE work products on each requirements level. Starting from top, the platform level, going down to feature, component to the bottom the unit level. The concept is based on the classical V-Cylce approach.
Change request are traced to all affected work products.
Fig. 8 High level traceability overview for S-CORE work products#
The next figure sets the focus on the feature level and adds the traceability from the Feature Requirements to the Feature Architecture, Feature Safety Analysis and the Feature Assumption of use. For convenience also the traceability to upper and lower lever requirements is shown.
Fig. 9 High level traceability overview for S-CORE feature work products#
The next figures sets the focus on the component level and adds the traceability from the Component Requirements to the Component Architecture, Component Safety Analysis and the Component Assumption of use. Further the traceability to Component Assumptions of use from external Components is included.
Fig. 10 High level traceability overview for S-CORE component work products#
Component Architecture may either built-up of other components, then the traceability may in addition also needed to their architectures.
Fig. 11 High level traceability overview for S-CORE component work products including sub-components#
Or less complex components may not require a Component Architecture, the traceability is not required as the architecture can be skipped.
Fig. 12 High level traceability overview for S-CORE component work products including sub-components#