Contribution Request Guideline#

Contribution Request Guideline
status: valid
status: valid
tags: contribution_management

Contributions to the SCORE project are the key to grow the content including the code. Contributions may cover simple improvement proposals, bug or problem reports, but also more complex scope changes of features up to new feature requests. Depending on the contribution scope, several steps may be required to finally merge it within the SCORE repository.

This guidline shall help the contributor (Contributor (rl__contributor)) to find the right path for his contribution.

For simple contributions, like fixing bugs or improvements, just creating a PR is sufficient.

For more complex contributions, like adding a new feature:

For a feature request, use the template provided below and add it to the appropriate section under docs/features.

Feature Request Template

If possible, the reviewer should use the suggestion functionality to suggest a change that the author of the pull request can click to commit if they agree with your suggestion.

You can also join our Slack for real-time discussions.

The SCORE project defines a Contribution Request (COR) as any defined and allowed trigger to start the active contribution to the SCORE project. That means obviously that a PR is a Contribution Request.


Whenever your PR gets too big or involves committs of several contributors , we strongly encourage to open and link a GitHub Issue, so this can get better planned.

For a PR to be merged, in any case an approval of a committer is needed. If the committer decides, that only a PR is not sufficient and a GitHub Issue is needed, then the contributor shall also create a corresponding GitHub Issue.

GitHub Issue are categorized using various types. For categorizing of PRs using of labels, e.g. bug or improvement, is mandatory, see Platform Management Plan.

For all possibilites the project contains simple templates (provided by committers (Committer (rl__committer))), in particular please use Feature Request Template (gd_temp__change__feature_request) to request a new feature or changes to the existing one.

What is a Pull Request (PR)?#

Pull Request Guideline
status: valid
status: valid
tags: contribution_management

A Pull Request (PR) is the ONLY way to contribute CODE to the SCORE project.

The figure below shows a simplified workflow for a PR.

Simple *PR* based contribution request workflow overview

Fig. 1 Simple PR based contribution request workflow overview#

Content in general may contain features, requirements, architectural designs, modules, components, detailed designs, implementations and source code, tests, process descriptions, any documentations, guidelines, tutorials, tools, or infrastructure topics and more of the SCORE project. In case of doubt or for any other input we strongly encourage to open a GitHub Issue (Issue Guideline (gd_guidl__issue_guideline)) first.

The PR should provide all required information of the new or changed content. Therefore the SCORE project provides content specific templates, which the contributor (Contributor (rl__contributor)) must use for his PR (ToDo link here to the templates overview). Templates may be PR templates, GitHub Issue templates and also additional document or work product templates.

The content of any PR is the commit content and the description as well as the comments given in GitHub and is kept in a versioned repository, their revision history is the historical record of the PR.

This historical record is available by the normal git commands for retrieving older revisions, and can also be browsed on GitHub.

Detailed SCORE Pull Request Workflow#

This chapter is only for optional read to understand the details for the Pull Request workflow defined in SCORE.

The figure below gives an overview about all the possible steps for a PR until it is either accepted or rejected.

Detailed *SCORE* Pull request workflow overview

Fig. 2 Detailed SCORE Pull request workflow overview#

Create a PR#

The contributor (Contributor (rl__contributor)) creates a PR.

Reviewers will be automatically assigned (Committer (rl__committer)) based on the contributed content (ruleset as defined by the committers). In addition several checks for the contributed content (ToDo: Link to the description of the checks) will be started.

Review and merge a PR#

A PR is reviewed with all content that adds/modifies it. As long as a PR requires further work by the contributor (Contributor (rl__contributor)), the PR is not approved and thus not merged and further changes are requested. Once the contributor (Contributor (rl__contributor)) considers all review comments as resolved, Contributor (rl__contributor) can re-request a review. The committer (Committer (rl__committer)) reviews the PR content according the SCORE review and acceptance criteria (ToDo link here to the criteria). Further the contributor (Contributor (rl__contributor)) must resolve found issues from the automated checks, if they do not pass.

As long as the PR does not meet the defined criteria and the checks does not pass, it will not be approved. If it does not follow the required templates, based on the provided content or the templates are not filled out properly, the committer as reviewer (Committer (rl__committer)) will place the PR to the “Draft” state.

It is then the responsibility of the contributor (Contributor (rl__contributor)) to add the missing information and to re-start the contribution by placing the PR back for review.

To change from “Draft” to “Open” see Changing the stage of a pull request (Github Docs).

At any point the contributor (Contributor (rl__contributor)) may decide not to continue with the PR, then the contributor (Contributor (rl__contributor)) just closes the PR.

What is a GitHub Issue?#

Issue Guideline
status: valid
status: valid
tags: contribution_management

A GitHub Issue is the way to report bugs or propose improvements without knowing the solution and to request features (incl. scope changes).

For creating GitHub Issue compare here: Creating a GitHub Issue (Github Docs).

Create an GitHub Issue to collect feedback, before investing too much effort into a PR. GitHub Issues may be accompanied by draft PRs if code is to be shown.

It can also be used to collect community input and for planning and tracking activities.

The figure below shows options to report something.

Reporting options overview

Fig. 3 Reporting options overview#