Building blocks concept#

Building blocks meta model#

The following figure gives an overview about the building blocks of the S-CORE platform. The objectives of the S-CORE integration platform are expressed as stakeholder requirements. These objectives are further detailed and structured in features. Features are described as a set of feature requirements with a corresponding feature architecture. The feature requirements satisfies the stakeholder requirements. The technical implementation of a feature is based on components, which are built-up by units, the lowest element in our model. Components are described by component requirements, a component architecture and a detailed design. Software modules are used to encapsulate a set of components. Software modules are more or less container for a component or a set of components realizing a feature.

Building blocks overview for **S-CORE** platform

Fig. 6 Building blocks overview for S-CORE platform#

Building blocks example#

The following figure is an example to explain the elements from the meta model. The user of the S-CORE platform wants to use the feature key-value-store. For that the user must integrate the software module “kvstorage”. As this modules dependence on another module, the user must also integrate the software module “json_al”. The module “kvstorage” is built-up by the components “kvs” and “fs”, where the module “json_al” contains only one component “json_al”. The latter example is more or less a corner case. Components may optionally built-up by other components. Software modules may also be designed as safety element out of context (SEooC).

Building blocks example

Fig. 7 Building blocks example#