Documentation Management#
Documentation Management Concept
status: valid
In this section a concept for the documentation management will be discussed. Inputs for this concepts are mainly the requirements of ISO26262 “Part 2: Management of functional safety”
Stakeholders for the documentation work products?
Who needs which information?
Which work products do we have?
What tooling do we need?
Technical Lead (rl__technical_lead)
planning and status reporting of work products and their documentation
Safety Manager (rl__safety_manager)
wants to know when the safety related documents are ready for a release
wants to know who was the author and approver of a document in case of safety issues
Work Products#
Documentation Management Plan (doc__documentation_mgt_plan) is a document and part of the work product Platform Management Plan (wp__platform_mgmt).
Document Management Tooling#
For the document attributes to be manually set, sphinx-needs will be used.
For the versioning and version history github is used.
For the automated attributes additional tooling is created (see Document Management Process Requirements)
Getting started#
Documentation Management Get Started
status: valid
In case you are appointed as a Technical Lead (rl__technical_lead) by the Project Lead (rl__project_lead) in the S-CORE project:
On platform level, process community already provided a draft documentation management plan, see Documentation Management Plan (doc__documentation_mgt_plan), just set it to “valid”
On module level, create a documentation management plan using the platform one as a template
On both levels: make sure only the documents in your scope appear in the documents list within the plan
The main work product is the documentation management plan, which is a part of the platform management plan. Thus the work flow Create/Maintain Platform Ma... (wf__cr_mt_platform_mngmt_plan) applies.
The document management guideline is contained within the document management plan, to have all relevant information in one space, see Documentation (gd_guidl__documentation)
Some process requirements to be automated are available: