

The score process model aims to establish organization rules for developing
open source software in the automotive industry, which can be used in safety and security context.


The process model shall provide processes, which conform to state-of the art standards
* ISO 26262
* ISO 21434
* ISO PAS 8926


  1. We aim for a process model as common basis for process documentation (compare figure below).

  2. We work code centric (trace text as code) and iteratively.

  3. We aim to develop the process in conformance to the targeted standards (compare figure below).

  4. We aim to establish traceability from the begin (compare figure below, Project development work product traceability model).

  5. We aim to verify conformity and traceability by tool automation as much as possible (compare figure below).

  6. We aim for an iterative collaboration model initiated by contribution requests (compare Contribution Request Guideline (GD_GUIDL__Contr_Request_Guideline))

Score process model

Fig. 1 Score process model#