SPL.2 Product Release#
The purpose is to control the release of a product to the intended customer.
Process outcomes#
The contents of the product releases are determined.
The release package is assembled from configured items.
The release documentation is defined and produced.
Release approval is performed against defined criteria.
The release package is made available to the intended customer.
Base practices#
SPL.2.BP1: Define the functional content of releases
status: valid
Define the functionality to be included and the release criteria for each release. Note This may include the hardware elements, software elements, and extra application parameter files (influencing the identified system functionality) that are needed for the release. |
SPL.2.BP2: Define release package
status: valid
Define the release as well as supporting tools and information. Note The release package may include also programming tools. |
SPL.2.BP3: Ensure unique identification of releases
status: valid
Ensure a unique identification of the release based upon the intended purpose and expectations of the release. Note Unique identification may be realized by a classification and numbering scheme for product releases. |
SPL.2.BP4: Build the release from items under configuration control
status: valid
Build the release from items under configuration control to ensure integrity. Note This practice may be supported by the SUP.8 Configuration Management Process. |
SPL.2.BP5: Ensure release approval before delivery
status: valid
Criteria for the release are satisfied before delivery takes place. |
SPL.2.BP6: Provide a release note
status: valid
A release is accompanied by information detailing key characteristics of the release. Note The release note may include information about legal aspects like relevant target markets, legislation that is considered etc. See also VAL.1 Validation. |
SPL.2.BP7: Communicate the type, service level and duration of support for a release
status: valid
Identify and communicate the type, service level and duration of support for a release. |
SPL.2.BP8: Deliver the release package to the intended customer
status: valid
Deliver the release package to the intended customer. Note The intended customer may be an internal organizational unit or an external organization. |