
How to get in contact with S-CORE#

If you want to get into contact with S-CORE, these are your primary entry points:

Project Mailing List:

Architectural Discussion:


General Information / Alignment regarding S-CORE as a basis for distributions & products:
Contact one of the project leads of S-CORE

How to get involved into S-CORE#

The only way to influence S-CORE is TO CONTRIBUTE. Everybody can contribute - S-CORE is open.

Active Contributions to the S-CORE project are the basis for getting involved. The S-CORE Project works according to the Eclipse Project Handbook and has named and elected project leads and committers (see Eclipse Safe Open Vehicle Core). The direction of the S-CORE project is discussed and decided in the project lead circle, the technical direction is created and upfront in the tech lead circle. Meeting notes are transparent via the S-CORE GitHub Discussions.

We aim to build a safety ready full stack architecture, where components fit to each other in automotive grade Software Quality and performance. To achieve this, we follow a strict feature roadmap and architecture and a rigid software development process (currently under development).

Contributions to the S-CORE project must therefore follow the technical direction of the project and the S-CORE architecture. For an introdcution on how to contribute, please check out our Contribution Request Guideline (gd_guidl__contr_request_guideline).

Based on successful code contributions to the S-CORE roadmap, further steps in involvement (like becoming a committer) will be handled according to the rules of the Eclipse Foundation Project Handbook. We value real code based collaboration and will judge new potential contributors and committers mainly on the validity of their work. Active and sustaining contributions are the basis for the ability to shape S-CORE.

How is S-CORE organized#

Eclipse S-CORE is an open source project, so everyone is welcome to contribute. Since we are organized within the Eclipse Foundation, you must have an Eclipse Foundation account to participate - please see Actions to Ensure Proper Contribution Attribution in Eclipse S-CORE for details.

The project is structured into various technical committees, which include communities focused on specific domains and cross-functional teams responsible for defined work areas. Their meetings are public; feel free to join or review the minutes via our GitHub Discussions.

Additionally, two steering committees, the Technical Lead Circle and the Project Lead Circle, oversee the overall steering and planning of S-CORE.

For further details on our project structure and planning, please refer to the Project Management Plan (doc__project_mgt_plan).