
Eclipse S-CORE is an open source project, so everybody can contribute. The project is organized within the Eclipse Foundation, therefore a pre-requisite is to have an account at Eclipse Foundation. Please check Actions to Ensure Proper Contribution Attribution in Eclipse SCORE for details.

In overall, the project is organized in different technical committees, namely communities (exchange regarding special domains) and cross functional teams (responsible for some piece of work). Their meetings are public, so you can join the meetings or check the meeting minutes. Please see the GitHub Discussions for details.

Beside the technical committees, there are two steering committees, the Technical Lead Circle and the Project Lead Circle, which are responsible for the overall steering and planning of the project.

Further details on the project structure, planning etc. can be found in the Project Management Plan (doc__project_mgt_plan).

For details how we handle contributions, please see the section Contribution Request and in particular the Contribution Request Guideline (gd_guidl__contr_request_guideline).

In case you’re a company and want to join the Eclipse S-CORE project, please reach out to the Project Lead Circle.