.. # ******************************************************************************* # Copyright (c) 2025 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation # # See the NOTICE file(s) distributed with this work for additional # information regarding copyright ownership. # # This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the # terms of the Apache License Version 2.0 which is available at # https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # ******************************************************************************* 18-xx ~~~~~ .. std_req:: 18-00 Standard :id: std_req__aspice_40__iic-18-00 :status: valid Standard may have the following characteristics: - Identification of to whom/what they apply - Expectations for conformance are identified - Conformance to requirements can be demonstrated - Provisions for tailoring or exception to the requirements are included .. std_req:: 18-06 Product release criteria :id: std_req__aspice_40__iic-18-06 :status: valid Product release criteria may have the following characteristics: - Defines expectations for product release: - release type and status - required elements of the release - product completeness including documentation - adequacy and coverage of testing - limit for open defects - change control status .. std_req:: 18-07 Quality criteria :id: std_req__aspice_40__iic-18-07 :status: valid Quality criteria may have the following characteristics: - Defines the expectations for work products and process performance - Including thresholds/tolerance levels, required measurements, required checkpoints - Defines what is an adequate work product (required elements, completeness expected, accuracy, etc.) - Defines what constitutes the completeness of the defined tasks - Defines what constitutes the performance of the defined tasks - Establishes expected performance attributes .. std_req:: 18-52 Escalation path :id: std_req__aspice_40__iic-18-52 :status: valid Escalation path may have the following characteristics: - Defined mechanisms to report and confirm escalation relevant issues - Identifies stakeholders to be included in the escalation path - Identifies levels of escalation .. std_req:: 18-53 Configuration item selection criteria :id: std_req__aspice_40__iic-18-53 :status: valid Configuration item selection criteria may have the following characteristics: - Identify types of work products to be subject to configuration control .. std_req:: 18-57 Change analysis criteria :id: std_req__aspice_40__iic-18-57 :status: valid Change analysis criteria may have the following characteristics: - Defines analysis criteria, such as - resource requirements - scheduling issues - risks - benefits .. std_req:: 18-58 Process performance objectives :id: std_req__aspice_40__iic-18-58 :status: valid Process performance objectives may have the following characteristics: - Objectives for the process of creating the process outcomes and capability level 2 achievements, and corresponding evaluation criteria - Assumptions and constraints, if applicable - Used as the basis for deriving a detailed planning - Examples: - Effort, costs, or budget targets (e.g., min/max limits) - Process-specific deadlines in line with milestones, or frequency of activities (o e.g., dates for deliveries to the customer, quality gates) - Metrics (e.g., max. number of open change requests per release, max. ratio of configuration items in status “in work” at certain milestones before next delivery / release date) .. std_req:: 18-59 Review and approval criteria for work products :id: std_req__aspice_40__iic-18-59 :status: valid Process performance objectives may have the following characteristics: - Specifies for each type of work products review and approval needs - If and when a review is required - Who shall review it - Who shall approve it - Review method(s) to be used - Criteria for approval .. std_req:: 18-70 Business goals :id: std_req__aspice_40__iic-18-70 :status: valid Business goals may have the following characteristics: - Explanation of the business goals - Requirements for the business needs - Associations to other goals - Reasons for the existence of the goals and needs, level of degree of the need and effect on the business not having that need - Conditions, constraints, assumptions - Timeframe for achievement - Authorization at the highest level .. std_req:: 18-80 Improvement opportunity :id: std_req__aspice_40__iic-18-80 :status: valid Improvement opportunity may have the following characteristics: - Cause of the improvement need, e.g., - from qualitative or quantitative process performance analysis, evaluations, and monitoring - industry best practice review, state-of-the-art observations, market studies etc. - Improvement objectives derived from organizational business goals and improvement needs - Organizational scope - Process scope - Activities to be performed to keep all those affected by the improvement informed - Priorities .. std_req:: 18-81 Improvement evaluation results :id: std_req__aspice_40__iic-18-81 :status: valid Improvement evaluation results may have the following characteristics: - Operational impacts of identified changes on the product(s) and processes - Expected benefit - Conditions, constraints, assumptions