.. # ******************************************************************************* # Copyright (c) 2025 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation # # See the NOTICE file(s) distributed with this work for additional # information regarding copyright ownership. # # This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the # terms of the Apache License Version 2.0 which is available at # https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # ******************************************************************************* Workflows --------- .. workflow:: Create/Maintain Safety Plan :id: wf__cr_mt_safety_plan :status: valid :responsible: rl__safety_manager :approved_by: rl__technical_lead :input: wp__platform_mgmt, wp__issue_track_system, wp__sw_component_class :output: wp__module_safety_plan, wp__platform_safety_plan :contains: gd_guidl__saf_plan_definitions, gd_temp__feature_safety_wp, gd_temp__module_safety_plan :has: doc_concept__safety_management__process, doc_getstrt__safety_management__process | The Safety Manager is responsible for the planning and coordination of the safety activities for the platform. | The Safety Manager creates and maintains the safety plan. | For this a template exists to guide the creator of the safety plan. .. workflow:: Create Component Classification :id: wf__cr_comp_class :status: valid :responsible: rl__committer :approved_by: rl__safety_manager :input: wp__platform_mgmt, wp__issue_track_system :output: wp__sw_component_class :contains: gd_guidl__component_classification, gd_temp__component_classification :has: doc_concept__safety_management__process, doc_getstrt__safety_management__process | The Safety Manager shall approve the OSS component classification performed by an expert on this component. .. workflow:: Create/Maintain Draft Safety Case :id: wf__cr_mt_safety_case :status: valid :responsible: rl__safety_manager :approved_by: rl__technical_lead :input: wp__module_safety_plan, wp__platform_safety_plan, wp__issue_track_system :output: wp__module_safety_case, wp__platform_safety_case :contains: gd_guidl__saf_case, gd_temp__feature_safety_wp, gd_temp__module_safety_plan :has: doc_concept__safety_management__process, doc_getstrt__safety_management__process | The Safety Manager in SCORE is NOT responsible to provide the argument for the achievement of functional safety. | But the Safety Manager creates and maintains the safety case in the sense of a collection of safety related work products. | The generation and the maintainance of this draft safety case shall be automtated as much as possible. | It is draft in a sense that it does not contain the final argumentation of the safety of the product. | As the draft safety case is only a collection of work products, the safety plan (template) can be used for documentation. .. workflow:: Perform Safety Audit :id: wf__p_fs_audit :status: valid :responsible: rl__external_auditor :approved_by: rl__safety_manager :input: wp__module_safety_plan, wp__platform_safety_plan, wp__module_safety_case, wp__platform_safety_case :output: wp__audit_report :contains: gd_guidl__saf_plan_definitions :has: doc_concept__safety_management__process, doc_getstrt__safety_management__process | The external auditor is responsible to perform a safety audit. | The Safety Manager and the process community shall support the external auditor during this. | The Project Manager and and the Safety Manager shall approve the audit report. .. workflow:: Perform Confirmation Reviews :id: wf__p_confirm_rv :status: valid :responsible: rl__external_auditor :approved_by: rl__safety_manager :input: wp__module_safety_plan, wp__platform_safety_plan, wp__module_safety_case, wp__platform_safety_case :output: wp__cmr_reports :contains: gd_guidl__saf_plan_definitions, gd_chklst__safety_plan, gd_chklst__safety_case :has: doc_concept__safety_management__process, doc_getstrt__safety_management__process | The external auditor is responsible to perform the confirmation reviews on Safety plan and Safety Analysis. | The Safety Manager shall support the external auditor during the reviews. | The Project Manager and and the Safety Manager shall approve the confirmation reports. | Therefore a checklists exist to guide the creator of the relevant safety documents. .. workflow:: Create/Maintain Safety Manual :id: wf__cr_mt_safety_manual :status: valid :responsible: rl__safety_manager :approved_by: rl__technical_lead :input: wp__requirements__feat_aou, wp__requirements__feat, wp__feature_arch, wp__feature_safety_analyses, wp__feature_dfa, wp__requirements__comp_aou, wp__requirements__comp, wp__component_arch, wp__sw_component_safety_analyses, wp__sw_component_dfa :output: wp__platform_safety_manual, wp__module_safety_manual :contains: gd_guidl__saf_man, gd_temp__safety_manual :has: doc_concept__safety_management__process, doc_getstrt__safety_management__process | The Safety Manager collects the necessary input for the safety manuals on platform and module level and documents it. | He makes sure all items are in valid state for a release of the safety manual. | Also for the safety manual a template exists as a guidance. .. workflow:: Monitor/Verify Safety :id: wf__mr_vy_safety :status: valid :responsible: rl__safety_manager :approved_by: rl__technical_lead :input: wp__module_safety_plan, wp__platform_safety_plan, wp__module_safety_case, wp__platform_safety_case, wp__audit_report, wp__cmr_reports :output: wp__issue_track_system, wp__module_sw_release_note, wp__platform_sw_release_note :contains: gd_guidl__saf_plan_definitions :has: doc_concept__safety_management__process, doc_getstrt__safety_management__process | The Safety Manager is responsible for the monitoring of the safety activities against the safety plan. | The Safety Manager is responsible to verify, that the preconditions for the "release for production", which are part of the release notes, are fulfilled. | The Safety Manager is responsible to verify the correctness, completeness and consistency of the release notes.