.. # ******************************************************************************* # Copyright (c) 2024 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation # # See the NOTICE file(s) distributed with this work for additional # information regarding copyright ownership. # # This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the # terms of the Apache License Version 2.0 which is available at # https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # ******************************************************************************* Requirement Templates ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ todo: add links to standards .. gd_temp:: Stakeholder Requirements Template :id: GD_TEMP__stakeholder_requirements_template :status: draft :tags: requirements_management | .. stkh_req:: | :id: STHK_REQ__<Title> | :reqtype: <Functional|Interface|Process|Legal|Non-Functional> | :security: <YES|NO> | :safety: <QM|ASIL_B|ASIL_D> | :rational: <The rationale provides the reason that the requirement is needed.> | :status: <valid|invalid> .. gd_temp:: Feature Requirements Template :id: GD_TEMP__feature_requirements_template :status: draft :tags: safety | .. feat_req:: <Title> | :id: FEAT_REQ__<Feature>__<Title> | :reqtype: <Functional|Interface|Process|Legal|Non-Functional> | :security: <YES|NO> | :safety: <QM|ASIL_B|ASIL_D> | :satisfies: <link to stakeholder requirement id> | :status: <valid|invalid> .. gd_temp:: Component Requirements Template :id: GD_TEMP__component_requirements_template :status: draft :tags: safety | .. comp_req:: <Title> | :id: COMP_REQ__<Component>__<Title> | :reqtype: <Functional|Interface|Process|Legal|Non-Functional> | :security: <YES|NO> | :safety: <QM|ASIL_B|ASIL_D> | :satisfies: <link to feature requirement id> | :status: <valid|invalid> .. gd_temp:: Tool Requirements Template :id: GD_TEMP__tool_requirements_template :status: draft :tags: safety | .. tool_req:: <Title> | :id: TOOL_REQ__<Tool>__<Title> | :reqtype: <Functional|Interface|Process|Legal|Non-Functional> | :security: <YES|NO> | :safety: <QM|ASIL_B|ASIL_D> | :satisfies: <link to stakeholder id> | :status: <valid|invalid> .. gd_temp:: Requirement Formulation Template :id: GD_TEMP__requirement_formulation :status: valid :tags: safety Requirements shall be specified according to the following schema: <The SW Platform|Feature|Component> shall <main verb> <object> <parameter> <temporal/logical conjunction> <Note: (optional, not to be verified)> .. list-table:: Sentence Table :header-rows: 1 * - Addressee of the requirement (subject) - shall - main verb - object of the requirement - parameter of the requirement - temporal/logical conjunction * - The development object (who/what) - shall - do something - for whom or what - which target value/condition - when, under which conditions * - The parking brake (general example) - shall - hold - the vehicle - up to a inclination of 20 deg - under all conditions (weather, …) * - The software platform (from our stakeholder requirements) - shall - enable - users - to ensure the compatibility of application software - across vehicle variants and vehicle software releases. .. note:: Of the last three columns of the above sentence template table, filling one is mandatory the others are optional.